2 books found:
  Title Year Rating
Dark Passions #1: Dark Passions, Book One
by Susan Wright (Jan 2001)
Year: Sep 2369 - Goodreads Rating: 3.62 (248)
In an alternate universe in which Klingons and Cardassians rule the Alpha Quadrant as part of an uneasy alliance, Annika Hansen, an operative for the Obsidian Order, targets Kira Nerys, the ruthless and duplicitous Intendant of Bajor.
Sep 2369
3.62 (248)
Dark Passions #2: Dark Passions, Book Two
by Susan Wright (Jan 2001)
Year: Sep 2369 - Goodreads Rating: 3.65 (230)
Intendant Kira, Overseer for the entire Klingon-Cardassian Alliance, must deal with Deanna Troi, the ambitious consort of Regent Worf, and B'Elanna Torres, half-human Intendant of the Sol System, as she enters into a dangerous liaison with Annika Hansen, an undercover agent of the Obsidian Order, who has orders to kill Kira.
Sep 2369
3.65 (230)