3 books found:
  Title Year Rating
Star Trek: New Frontier: No Limits Anthology
by Dayton Ward, Robert Greenberger, Susan Shwartz & 14 more (Oct 2003)Short Stories
Year: 2376 - Goodreads Rating: 3.89 (322)
Peter David has gathered some of the finest Star Trek authors to tell new tales of the Excalibur crew.
3.89 (322)
Star Trek: Voyager: Distant Shores
by Heather Jarman, Robert Greenberger, Kim Sheard & 9 more (Nov 2005)Short Stories
Year: 2371 to 2378 - Goodreads Rating: 3.96 (294)
Captain Janeway of the USS Voyager faced a choice: accept exile or set a course for home, a seventy-thousand-light-year journey fraught with unknown perils. She chose the latter. Janeway's decision launched her crew on a seven-year trek pursuing an often lonely path that embodied the purest form of the Starfleet adage "to boldly go..."
2371 to 2378
3.96 (294)
Starfleet Corps of Engineers #60: The Cleanup
by Robert T. Jeschonek (Jan 2006)E-Book Only
Year: 2377 - Goodreads Rating: 3.65 (34)
During the Dominion War, the Miradorn allied themselves with the Dominion. Now, in the wake of the Alpha Quadrant's victory in that war, the Miradorn are eager to improve their relationship with the Federation - especially in light of the numerous dangerous devices the Dominion left behind. Now, the S.C.E. team on the U.S.S. da Vinci must deactivate the rest of the devices before they become responsible for wiping out the entire Miradorn species.
3.65 (34)