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As James T. Kirk, Spock, and Leonard McCoy attempt to cope with the personal fallout of their encounter with V'Ger, a chapter from their mutual past is reopened, raising troubling new questions about the relationship among God, Man, and AI. On the recently settled world of Daran IV, the former refugees of the Fabrini worldship Yonada are being divided by conflicting ideologies, as those clinging to their theocratic past vie with visionaries of a future governed by reason alone.
Star Trek: The Original Series
Ex Machina

2273 (stardate 5960.2) | Pawns and Symbols (Star Trek: The Original Series #26) | |
2273 | Serpents in the Garden (Star Trek: The Original Series) | |
August, 2273 (stardate 7412.3) | Star Trek: The Motion Picture | |
August, 2273 | Star Trek I: The Motion Picture (Star Trek: The Original Series #1) | |
August, 2273 | Shadow of the Machine (Star Trek: The Original Series) | |
2273 | Ex Machina (Star Trek: The Original Series) | |
2273 | The Kobayashi Maru (Star Trek: The Original Series #47) | |
2273 | Home Is the Hunter (Star Trek: The Original Series #52) | |
2273 | Enemy Unseen (Star Trek: The Original Series #51) | |
2273 | Firestorm (Star Trek: The Original Series #68) | |
2274 | The More Things Change (Star Trek: The Original Series) |