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In the wake of the Dominion War, the Rashanar Sector has become a vast interstellar graveyard littered with hundreds of devastated starships. The Enterprise has been assigned to patrol the perimeter of the zone, unaware that the graveyard holds a deadly secret.
Star Trek: The Next Generation
A Time to Be Born

December, 2377 | Endgame (Star Trek: Voyager) | |
December, 2377 to February, 2378 |
Homecoming (Star Trek: Voyager) | |
March, 2378 | The Farther Shore (Star Trek: Voyager) | |
July, 2378 | Old Wounds (Star Trek: Voyager) | |
July, 2378 | Enemy of My Enemy (Star Trek: Voyager) | |
2378 | A Time to Be Born (Star Trek: The Next Generation) | |
2378 | Tales from the Captain's Table (The Captain's Table) | |
2378 | A Time to Die (Star Trek: The Next Generation) | |
September, 2378 to June, 2381 |
Full Circle (Star Trek: Voyager) | |
2378 | A Time to Sow (Star Trek: The Next Generation) | |
2379 | A Time to Harvest (Star Trek: The Next Generation) |